A prayer for today: Before this day begins, before I make my plans, I gather this gift of today, hold it in these undeserving hands, and I lift it up to you, Lord. This precious gift of another 16 hours, in my greedy and clumsy fingers, can slip right by with no eternal gain. But in your hands, Lord, this surrendered day could be full of prayer that tips the bowls of healing, provision, and salvation, pouring from the throne room, down to earth, changing lives right here. This surrendered day could be hands of healing touch, smiles of love poured out, and words that bring hope and life. Let me surrender every moment of this day to You.
A prayer for the school year: Another homeschool year quickly approaches; books stacked here and there, folders, pens, paper, and calculators, are all ready for students who would rather play all day. But I lift my eyes to you, Lord, as the source of all wisdom and knowledge. I lift my children to you, Lord, and yield my plans to your plans. Let this be a surrendered school year - a year that truly reflects the directives you have spoken: a year of rest, revelation, and relationship. You alone have the Words of Life. Let us not miss the most important wisdom of all - the knowledge of You.