This morning's IHOP message inspired me. Mike Bickle spoke on freely receiving from the Lord. In Romans 4:3 we read that Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness. Later, in Romans 9: 32 we learn why "Israel" (as opposed to the Gentiles) had not obtained righteousness: "Why not? Because they pursued it not by faith but as if it were by works." And in Rom 10:3 we find a similar statement that "they" (Israel) sought to establish righteousness on their own rather than submitting to God's righteousness.
Faith makes us righteous. Not works. We already know that we cannot work toward relationship with God. Similarly, we cannot work to make God more pleased with us.
So how do we please the Lord? The Psalmist writes: "What can I give unto the Lord for all He has done for me? I will take the cup of salvation and call upon His name!' What pleases the Lord? When we call on him. When we freely receive. When we take. He longs for humble people who know their need and who are eager to receive from his bounty.
What was it about Abraham's life that pleased the Lord?
"He did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised." Romans 4:20
Grabbing hold of this truth, let's apply it to prayer. What pleases God in our prayer life? Is it long hours of devotion and well-crafted prayers? It is a strong discipline? No. These things are valuable, yes. But the Lord is no more or less pleased with me in a "good week" with many hours logged than he is in a "bad week" when I wimped out. What pleases God is that I am (1) believing his promises, being fully persuaded that He is able to make my house a house of prayer, and (2) that I am asking (aware of my need and willing to admit it) and eagerly receiving strength from Him.
If you feel that you and your family are being called to make your own home a house of prayer, say "YES!" Allow your heart to embrace the call being fully persuaded that He who calls you is FAITHFUL. He has begun the work, and He will complete it. Then ASK. Ask God to set aside times for you and simply obey. God set aside a time for me that would not have been the obvious choice, nor my first choice -- The middle of the night. But it is God's idea and He has been faithful to wake me every night, and He has been faithful to keep me awake for an hour. He has also been faithful to allow me to fall back asleep afterward and wake at normal time the next morning. In his faithfulness I have found great joy, because I know (regardless of how I feel emotionally) that He meets me there - in the perfect quiet of night.
This next part isn't biblical, but here is one thing that helps me: There is always someone who has a harder row to hoe and is doing just fine. When I feel overwhelmed with five children, I call to mind my friends with 8 and 9 children. They are doing so well - parents and kids alike - so if they can do THAT, who I am to question whether I can make it with five? Another one: I regularly hear about the people who pray from 3am to 6am each night (the entire third watch). So who am I to question whether I can sustain 1 hour of prayer in the middle of the night? If "they" can do it, I can make it.
Remember this: Freely receive from God no matter how you feel you are doing. (Don't let satan trick you into thinking you are unworthy to ask or receive. That is a huge lie.) Don't try performing ... for God or for man. Believe unconditionally in God's faithfulness. Acknowledge that God loves you right where you are and is eagerly awaiting to hear your feeble "yes, I am willing." He will be faithful to fulfill his plans in you.
For Mike Bickle's sermon go to under resources. Today's date, 8:30 service (or any, I guess.) For more inspiration at watch the Awakening Services or go to the Live Prayer Room. (Warning: There may be more outward manifestations of the Holy Spirit's power than you are used to. Also, you may find that you receive a healing just be joining by web stream. It happens frequently.)
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