This morning at a women’s retreat called Transforming Love,
the Lord treated me to a new perspective on dancing with him. I was eight years old, standing barefoot on
the beach, and Jesus approached, ready to dance. Being only eight, I didn't know anything about how to
dance, but the wonder of being
only eight, is that it is so easy to just do it. My adult mind, however, was a little hesitant to simply enjoy the experience.
Here are the Lord’s words to me during that time:
the dance from me by dancing with Me. It’s
a joy to dance with you, child. Don’t
worry about getting the steps right.
Just put your feet on my feet and learn of me. I am gentle; I am humble enough to meet you
right where you are. You don’t need to
feel stressed or inadequate. This is fun! In
this dance, together we embody fullness of joy, right here, without thought of
other dancers who seem to be further ahead.
Your little feet on mine are so pleasing to me. Your feet are not too heavy for me; you are
in no way a burden. I am not longing for
you to grow up and get over this stage.
Just enjoy me right where you are.”
Remember, with each
new dance, don’t try to get it right before you move in that dance with me. Just put your feet on top of mine, look me
straight in the eye, and feel the strength – my gentle, firm embrace – holding you,
guiding you.
Excited the Lord met you! I loved hearing your experience. Glad you could come to the retreat. There will be more to come...