I have journaled some of our encounter times -- times that we spend in focused worship asking Holy Spirit to open our spiritual ears and eyes to hear and see what he wants to reveal to us, and allow us to spend time with Jesus, experiencing his love in whatever way he wants to share with us -- but I haven't blogged much, because I typically write things down in shorthand, not in ways that others would understand. But I have been challenged lately to write more, so here's one from a week and half ago ..... I hope they inspire someone who reads them.
Yesterday’s encounter time: I stood in a giant circle of people with Jesus at the
center. Most people held small
instruments, but some had large ones (eg, there was a cello). Others
were simply vocalists, their voice their only instrument. As Jesus pointed to each one, he or she would
begin to play a simple rhythm or simple melody, sometimes just a single note,
too. The vocalists would sing a single
beautiful note. But as each individual
joined their song, one after the other around the circle, the music blended
into an amazing symphony. At times Jesus
would direct a person to rest in silence, before picking up another note or
rhythm. Some were worried that their
notes were insignificant, but there was no denying that as we each were
faithful to simply obey the director’s instruction, the symphony was
Mayana has been having significant encounter times in which
she is going with Jesus to serve the poor, giving them food and clothes, and
sharing God’s love and truth with them. Today
she saw an area where there were few houses but lots of people, and she and
Jesus were ministering to the people, giving them food, clothes, and love.
Sometimes in her pictures sees us there as a family, too. Often the pictures involve going from here to
another place that is far away. Her experiences
are filled with joy!
If you are inspired to encounter the Lord with your children, I encourage you to go back to the beginning of this blog and read the early posts. I also encourage you to purchase some prophetic worship music - preferably instrumental - for your soaking time. We like John Belt's CDs, among others.
Be blessed today in Jesus' sweet loving presence through the Holy Spirit!
“Lord, I want to be… planted by your waters,
Lord, I want to be .. drinking from your stream,
Give me joy as I drink, from the river of your delights.
Let me abide so deep, as I set my eyes on you.
All my fountains are in You,
I am only satisfied in You.”
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